Kolesnikov Alexandr (c) aka Wasp
Veselov Vyacheslav (c) aka tero
Version: 1.0
Size: 11.8 Mb
Hits: 17134
Boxcar 11-270 #52530797 -
Russian boxcar 11-270 #52530797 empty and loaded.
It is intended for transportation of piece, grain and other cargoes of the wide nomenclature demanding protection against an atmospheric precipitation. Faces: 2742
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Version: 1.1
Size: 3.1 Mb
Hits: 12798
Boxcar 11-270 #52708757 -
Russian boxcar 11-270 #52708757 empty and loaded.
It is intended for transportation of piece, grain and other cargoes of the wide nomenclature demanding protection against an atmospheric precipitation. Faces: 2718
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Version: 1.1
Size: 3.5 Mb
Hits: 12910
Boxcar 11-270 #52594629 -
Russian boxcar 11-270 #52594629 empty and loaded.
It is intended for transportation of piece, grain and other cargoes of the wide nomenclature demanding protection against an atmospheric precipitation. Faces: 2742
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Version: 1.1
Size: 2.8 Mb
Hits: 12286
Boxcar 11-270 #52525243 -
Russian boxcar 11-270 #52525243 empty and loaded.
It is intended for transportation of piece, grain and other cargoes of the wide nomenclature demanding protection against an atmospheric precipitation. Faces: 2742
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Version: 1.1
Size: 3.2 Mb
Hits: 12775
Boxcar 11-066 #52515012 "сaboose" -
Russian boxcar 11-066 #52515012 "Caboose".
It is intended for transportation of workers, who serve the dumper trains. Faces: 2510
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Kopkin Anton (c) aka ToHa
Version: 1.0
Size: 2.9 Mb
Hits: 12524
Boxcar 11-066 #52400421 "сaboose" -
Russian boxcar 11-066 #52400421 "Caboose".
It is intended for transportation of workers, who serve the dumper trains. Faces: 2536
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Kopkin Anton (c) aka ToHa
Version: 1.0
Size: 3.3 Mb
Hits: 12405
Boxcar 11-066 #22430052 -
Russian boxcar 11-066 #22430052 empty and loaded.
It is intended for transportation of piece, grain and other cargoes of the wide nomenclature demanding protection against an atmospheric precipitation. Faces: 2416
Model: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Textures: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Technical tuning: Kolesnikov Alexander (c) aka Wasp
Repaint: Surkov Anton (c) aka Suria
Photomaterial: Kopkin Anton (c) aka ToHa